Sunday, February 1, 2009

Where do you stand? assignment

Where Do You Stand?

Where do you stand with regard to critical thinking?

I believe critical thinking is an important aspect of thought and knowledge that everyone should practice. However, I believe it takes time and effort to develop into an honest critical thinker.

FEET: What do I stand for as a foundation of critical thinking?

I believe the foundation of critical thinking is having an open mind and not rejecting anything immediately.

STOMACH: What upsets me about critical thinking?

I get upset about critical thinking when people are sometimes too critical. It seems like they want to find something wrong with everything .

HEART: What do I love about critical thinking?

I love the fact that I can look at a topic and look at it from all angles and come to my own opinion and conclusion about it. That is the beauty of critical thinking. It allows you to think for yourself and to think freely.

HANDS: What do I feel about critical thinking?

I feel it is a necessary component in both your personal and professional life. Without it , one would never be able to have good judgment.

EARS: What do I hear about critical thinking?

I watch a lot of news and read much about current events so I am constantly exposed to critical thinking in politics and world affairs. I hear that some people claim to be looking at an issue from all sides but in reality they aren’t thinking critically at all but propagating their own spin on it.

EYES: What do I see about critical thinking?

I see that not all people in this world are allowed to think critically and that in a lot of places it is discouraged and any kind of dissent can be punishable very harshly.

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