Sunday, February 1, 2009

CRCB- chapter 2 review questions

Chapter-2 exercises

Exercise 2A Context clues

2.)She was so overcome with joy by the birth of her baby that she was able to say nothing other than that the whole experience was simply ineffable.

a.) unhappy
b.) fair
c.) incapable of being expressed in words
d.) quickly forgotten

The answer is: c

3.)Most of us eventually reach our goals, but life’s path to success is often a circuitous one.

a.) straight and certain
b.) jovial
c.) marked by roundabout or indirect procedures
d.) relating to a group

The answer is: c

4.) The preacher took a pedagogic approach with the sermon, hoping that those attending would learn something meaningful from it.

a.) instructional
b.) incomplete
c.) something that breaks the ice
d.) to brighten or freshen up

The answer is: A
5.) Although teaching is not a lucrative profession, I know that I wouldn’t want to
do anything else. Helping others learn is far more important to me than money

a.) very rewarding
b.) highly sensitive
c.) well paying
d.) highly exciting

The answer is: C

6.)Buying the lottery ticket is a very capricious way to plan for your future. The chances of winning are 1 in 10,000,000.

a.) lazy
b.) inventive
c.) unhappy
d.) unpredictable

The answer is: D

Exercise 2B- context clues in text books

1.) Alcoholism exacts a horrible toll on the drinker and on the drinker’s family, But the damage doesn’t stop there. Drunk driving, work place losses, and overburdened health care systems are only some of the larger-scale loss issues related to alcohol abuse. The search for effective methods of invention has never been more intense.
Definition: strictly correct or precise

a.) diminishes
b.) forces
c.) feels
d.) sizes

I think the answer is: B

2.)The natural circadian rhythm of most animals, including humans, is 25 to 26 hours, but our internal clock easily adapt to the 24-hour rhythms (light, sounds, warmth) of the turning earth. When we are Isolated from the environmental cues, our sleep/wake cycles continue to be rather constant but slightly longer than 24 hours.

Definition: the body’s cycle related to the earth’s daily rotation.

a.) 24 hour cycle
b.) daily behavioral cycle
c.) seasonal cycle
d.) insect like

I think the answer is: A

3.)When the commissioner of Indian Affairs took office in 1933, he vowed to defend Indian rights. The conciliatory attitudes of the commissioner and Indian Office, regarding Indian rights, conformed with legal precedents established by the state and federal courts.

Definition: friendly to work together

a.) nervous and uncertain
b.) agreeable, accommodating
c.) unnecessary
d.) disagreeable

I think the answer is: A

4.) Desynchronized:

I think the definition is: not in sync or not working together.

5.) Mitigate:

I think the definition is: to become less harsh or severe.

Exercise 2J- define the following words

2.) Autonomous- self-government, independent
3.) Emit- send out or discharge
4.) Fidelity- faithfulness
5.) Convey- carry, transmit
6.) Equivocal- purposely ambiguous, doubtful
7.) Posthumous- after one’s death
8.) Carnal- bodily, sensual
9.) Misogynist- one who hates women
10.) Synchronized- move or occur at the same tome or rate

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