Monday, February 2, 2009

TFY/chapter 2 exercise questions

Thinking For Yourself/chapter two Word Precision exercises

Discovery exercise, page 46:

1.) Dictionaries are like phone books; basically, they all offer the same information.

My answer: False, because not all dictionaries are the same, some are basic some are detailed and offer more information than just the definition.

2.) If a dictionary is named Webster’s, that means it is one of the best.

My answer: False, although some people might consider it one of the best, I think there are many others that are really good. The only way to tell is to open one and study it. See how much information you get from it and compare it to others.

3.) Experts who decide how we should speak English write dictionaries.

My answer: False, the purpose of a dictionary is for reference, definitions, and expanding your vocabulary.

4.) Small, pocket dictionaries are the best kind to use for in-depth word study because they eliminate unnecessary, confusing information, and making understanding easier.

My answer: False, pocket dictionaries seem to be more basic in my opinion.

5.) Because a dictionary can confuse us with so many definitions for any single word, it is better to try to figure out a word’s meaning from its context or ask someone else.

My answer: false because although context clues are helpful you should always have a dictionary on hand to double check.
6.) Dictionaries are like cookbooks; a family needs to buy one only once a life time.

My answer: False, although you don’t need to buy one often I think maybe buying one every ten years would be a good idea, because there are always new words being added into the English language.

7.) Dictionaries give us information about spelling and definitions, but that is about all they offer.

My answer: False, dictionaries offer more than spelling and definitions such as etymology and pronunciations.

8.) An online dictionary is just as good for understanding and using a new word as a printed dictionary.

My Answer: True because I’ve used online dictionaries before and they worked just fine for me.

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