Monday, February 23, 2009

Journal entry for week # 7

This week's chapters were easy to complete. I think for the chapters that are due the following week I will try the PSR technique just to see how I like it, and if it works for me.

CRCB-Ch. 9 mind map, PSR Strategies

CRCB-Ch. 9 summary, PSR Strategies

The letters PSR stand for preview, study-read, and review. This system helps a reader create effective questions about the material they read, it also allows the reader to answer the questions they formulate, and helps them correctly identify the main ideas and the details of what they read. The system allows the reader to participate in a reader-author conversation. In the preview section, the PRS strategy helps the reader build framework for the chapter as they read. Previewing allows the reader to gauge how difficult the chapter will be, and in turn they can determine how much time they will need to study the chapter. There are three steps in the preview stage. Step one: Skim the reading. You should read quickly, skip the details, and focus on the title, introduction, subheadings, and the summary. Step two: Develop questions. Develop questions using the words: who, what, when, why, where, and how about the title and subheadings. Asking questions will help a reader pay closer attention to the material they read. Step three: Predict content. Make a prediction using the questions you have developed. Ask yourself what you think the reading assignment will be about. There are four steps in the study-read stage. Step one: Read and ask questions. Start by reading the first heading or subheading and ask yourself the questions you developed in the preview stage. When you study-read a section, your goal is to look for the answers to the questions you formulated during the preview stage. Step two: Understand sections. Break up a chapter into several parts. Read one part at a time, from heading to heading, or paragraph to paragraph. Once you have read everything in one part you should pause to ask yourself the questions and answer the questions from the previewing stage. Step three: Monitor your reading. Monitor your understanding of what you read in each section before moving on to the next. Step four: Determine main ideas. After reading each section, pause and determine what the main idea of the section was. In the review stage, you ask yourself questions in order to understand what you have read in relation to what you already know about a subject. Step one: Assess your understanding of the entire reading assignment. You can achieve this step by summarizing what you read, attaching new information you learned to old information you already knew about the subject, and completing a comprehension check, by asking yourself, what parts of the reading do you still not understand? Step two: Clarify confusing parts. After completing the whole PRS strategy system, if there are still parts you don’t understand in your reading assignment, then you should get help from your instructor, tutor, or a classmate before you move on in your reading. I can honestly say the only step I used when reading before I read this chapter was the skimming step in the preview section. I hardly ever develop questions from the headings or subheadings and then try to answer them. I also can’t remember a time when I wrote down a prediction about what I thought my assignment would be about. I’m one of those people that might skim, but then just jump in and read the entire chapter. I’ve been doing it my way for so long, that I guess it works for me. In the future I will try the PRS technique to see if it works any better than the way I go about my reading.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

TFY ch. 8 Viewpoints: What's the Filter? mind map

TFY ch. 8 summary- Viewpoints: What's the Filter?

The dictionary definition of viewpoint is, “An attitude of mind, or a position from which something is observed or considered.” My definition of view point is an opinion or attitude based on observation. To detach from your own viewpoint and assume another person’s viewpoint is an important skill to possess. This skill allows us to communicate better with others and gain new insight and perspective. In literature authors can write using a first person narrative or view point, a third person viewpoint, or multiple points of view from several different characters. Viewpoints like assumptions, opinions, and evaluations can be created consciously or unconsciously. Our view points are shaped by a number of factors, education, culture, and emotions are some of those factors. I am an emotional person. My opinions and view points are sometimes affected by my emotions. For example, when I read about atrocities from around the world against men, women, children, or animals, I become genuinely emotional and feel deep sorrow for the victims. When I think of the villainous people who commit those atrocities, feelings of hate, disgust, and anger rise to the surface. This is an example of my emotions affecting a conscious viewpoint of mine. An egocentric is a person who believes everything revolves around them, and they have little or no regard for the beliefs, interests, and attitudes of others. The author states, “As we grow out of egocentrism we develop the ability to be exterior to our own viewpoint-to see and recognize it from the outside, objectively. We learn how to see the world through the eyes of others.” A good example of this quote is the saying people always use when they want someone to look at things from their point a view, “Walk a mile in my shoes.” The author notes two other unconscious viewpoints along with egocentrism. Ethnocentrism is an attitude that judges people by one’s own cultural practices, values, and standards, as though these were reasonable norms. Religiocentrism is a term that describes a person’s attitude when they assume their religion is the only religion, or the only religion with correct beliefs. In the political scene there are two major viewpoints, liberal and left, or conservative and right. Liberals advocate the ensuring and respecting of civil rights, they are tolerant of alternative lifestyles, ethnic diversity, and religious orientations, they support minimum wage increases, stricter gun control, equitable taxation, and oppose tax loopholes and subsides for corporations. Conservatives on the other hand, believe in tax reductions for those with higher incomes, they support a high military budget and military solutions for problems; they support less gun control, and oppose abortion and gay marriage. One of their main concerns is preserving and generating wealth, and they are committed to furthering the interests of corporations. Centrist or moderate perspectives and viewpoints do exist within the two parties. They can agree sometimes. I place myself in the category of a moderate liberal. People think TV news shows, newspapers, and magazines are unbiased and their purpose is to keep us informed, but they are really successful business enterprises. They want to keep you entertained and sell you products. There are hidden viewpoints in everything they present. News framing is a term that describes the way an editor uses layout design, placement, and headlines to sensationalize, downplay, exaggerate, or convey importance. Conducting frame analysis will help a person recognize which information a given viewpoint will try to emphasize, minimize, or omit. After analyzing, we can then start to understand how all of these suggestive elements have a calculated affect on us, the readers. The author notes, “Frame analysis habits teach us to detach from the influence of the frame and gain a more objective perspective on the hidden viewpoint it expresses.” The message of this chapter is, just because it is written in a newspaper or reported on the news doesn’t mean you should to take it for face value. Information in the media is filtered through human viewpoints. The media will never report just the facts, there will always be hidden viewpoints intertwined with what they report. Practice frame analysis, detach from the influence of the frame, and allow yourself to gain a deeper objective perspective on hidden viewpoints. Think for yourself.

TFY ch. 8 exercise

Discovery exercise page. 218

Define the following words:

1.) Viewpoint- A place affording a view of something; position or observation
2.) Point of view- A specified or stated manner or consideration or appraisal; an opinion, attitude or judgment
3.) Attitude- Manner, disposition, feeling, or position
4.) Bias- To cause partiality or favoritism, influence
5.) Perspective- Appearance of objects from their relative distance and positions
6.) Frame of reference- A structure of concepts, values, customs, views and ect.
7.) Opinion- A belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty

Monday, February 16, 2009

Journal entry for week # 6

I had a nice weekend for the most part. I spent it with my boyfriend. I completed the chapters and assignments with little difficulty. I'm glad we had a three day weekend, it was needed.

CRCB ch.10 Textbook Marking Mind Map

CRCB ch. 10 summary- Textbook Marking

CRCB, chapter 10 summary Textbook Marking

Textbook marking is defined as, a systematic way of marking, highlighting, and labeling ideas to show how they are related to each other and which are most important. For example, when I read a new text, I highlight things that I think are important such as specific words, their definitions, and phrases. You could also write notes in the margin of the text explaining to yourself why you highlighted the words and phrases you did. A few of the items you should mark to make your reading and understanding more efficient are: Main ideas, major supporting details, and new vocabulary. In text book marking, the first step is to preview the material that has been assigned to you. While skimming the text identify all the unfamiliar vocabulary words and write them down. Later, you can look up the definitions of the words to understand their meanings. When reading a text book I usually keep a dictionary by my side, so when I come across words new to me I can look them up right away. Once you have looked up the words that are new to you, you can create questions using the title and sub-headings to try to predict what the reading will be about. Step two is to study-read the assigned reading in sections. First read the section before marking anything. It is important to make sure you understand each section you read before you continue on to the rest. Now you can go on to step three. When you are finished reading all the assigned material, you can then go back and highlight the information that answered the questions you came up with, the main ideas, and the major supporting details. Finally you have arrived at step four, writing margin cues. A margin cue is defined as a symbol or notation you write in the margin of your text beside important information to indicate what you marked and why. It occurred to me while reading this section on margin cues, that over the years I have not been properly textbook marking while reading. Although I always highlighted important words and phrases I would never label them or use margin cues. The author states, “If you highlight or underline textbook material without labeling your markings, they will be almost meaningless as everything highlighted will seem to be of equal importance.” I guess in the past instead of using margin cues or labels I would try to mentally keep note of the information I would highlight. If I had known what margin cues were years ago I would have defiantly been using them and saving myself the trouble of trying to organize and label everything mentally.

TFY ch. 5 -Assumptions Mind Map

TFY ch. 5 Summary- Assumptions

TFY, chapter 5 summary Assumptions: What’s Taken for Granted?

Assumptions can be made consciously or unconsciously, and they can be warranted or unwarranted. When people assume, they take up or accept something. They accept it without proof that it is true or certain. There are also hidden assumptions. Hidden assumptions are defined as unconscious assumptions that influence a line of reasoning. A hidden assumption is not always easy to identify. A Stereotype is one type of a hidden assumption. Value assumptions are also a type of hidden assumptions people make and rarely or never question them, most of the time these assumptions are passed down from family or through their culture. They are unexamined beliefs that unconsciously affect our thought processes. Conscious assumptions are also known as working assumptions. Working assumptions serve as strategies or working trials. For example, every day I arrive at the Bart station at 8: 20 AM. I assume the 8: 25 AM Bart train will be on time so I could arrive to class on time. Working assumptions help people plan their day to day activities and their lives. Warranted assumptions are based on some knowledge of pertinent standards, codes, customs, or agreements. When I visit my doctor I assume and expect her to give me good and true advice concerning my health. An unwarranted assumption would be to think that I could go to the store and take things without having to pay for them. The author states that arguments are a way of reasoning in order to be persuasive. A good argument never relies on assumptions, but does rely on claims supported by reasoning, facts, examples, and evidence. An Incongruity is something that does not meet our expectations about what is correct, appropriate, logical, or standard. When we experience or observe something that does not meet our expectations or assumptions, disequilibrium is caused. Equilibrium is defined as the stable inner feeling of balance and well-being we have when the schemas or mental constructs of our experiences and beliefs enable us to understand our environments and function well within them. Disequilibrium is the confusion and discomfort we feel when a new experience cannot be adequately explained by our existing schemas. The author notes that we experience disequilibrium when our assumptions are challenged by momentous experiences. We can actually feel physical discomfort when it takes place. Equilibrium is restored when find a new understanding through the process of reexamining our assumptions. I have to remember the next time I make an assumption that I am accepting an idea without enough proof, and to check it carefully before I cause a problem for myself.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Journal entry for week # 5

I tried for a really long time to add pictures to my mind maps but it just didn't work out. I tried to import, copy and paste, add as a graphic link, none of it worked. I tried saving it in pictures, in documents, and on the desktop with no avail. It was really annoying. Hopefully next time.

Mind Map for ch. 7-Using Inference to Identify Implied Main Ideas

CRCB, ch. 7 Summary- Using Inferences to Identify Main Ideas

Inference is defined as: The process of making assumptions, and drawing conclusions about information, when the author’s opinions or ideas are not directly stated.” When an author writes a piece, they expect a certain amount of knowledge from the reader. Authors rely on a reader to connect the new information they are reading to the information that was already known to them about a certain topic. Reading is a two way conversation between the reader and the author. An author’s choice of words or diction is very important when the reader is trying to figure out what the author means in their writing. When a reader wants to establish a conversation with an author, then the reader has to understand the meaning of what is directly stated and indirectly implied in a piece of writing. There are strategies that offer assistance to effectively infer meaning when the author does not directly state their main points. “An author’s purpose is an author’s reason for writing.” Authors of text books inform the reader about specific subjects such as biology or mathematics. Authors of other types of materials such as essays or journals write to persuade the reader of the importance of issues that are important to them, or to entertain the reader. Successful readers will find the author’s reason and understand the writing. Authors sometimes use comparisons to illustrate their points in college texts. An author will use words such as, like or as to let the reader know they are making a comparison. By making comparisons between two items of information to illustrate a point to the reader, the author is trying to make the reader infer what the similarity is, in order to understand the point they are trying to make. Other times authors will put two completely different pieces of information next to each other without using any words to compare the two, in order to see if the reader can infer the meaning. Authors use tone to discuss their subject matter and to reveal their attitudes toward it. A reader can assess an author’s tone by examining their choice of words, and taking time to picture the images the author creates through figurative language. The author’s tone can also emphasize their purpose for writing. Authors can also be bias. They have emotions, opinions, and feelings like anyone else. For example, if an author has prejudice towards a particular animal, then they might focus on the negative attributes of the animal in their writing. When an author writes with bias, they don’t present a balanced or accurate picture of an issue. They leave out information that contradicts their point or they downplay and invalidate other view points. When reading a text if the reader comes across limited information or there is information missing then it becomes difficult to draw inferences from the material. Limited or missing information is referred to as information gaps. When the author leaves information gaps in an article they expect the reader to recognize the conversation pattern, mentally note the gaps, and fill in the blanks. An accomplished reader should know how much to infer. Recognizing the author’s perspective is very important. The reader should try to visualize things from the author’s perspective. Understand the difference when the author is stating facts or making assumptions. When a reader infers something they should test their conclusion against the other material in the text. If there is information in the text that challenges the reader’s inference, then they are inferring too much. If there are details supporting the reader’s inference, then their inference is most likely accurate. Readers are not only required to read and understand what is directly stated, but also to detect ideas that are implied or indirectly stated. In order to fully understand written material a reader has to combine the stated information with the additional information they generate through using inference.

Mind Map for ch. 4 Inference: What Follows?

TFY, Ch. 4 summary- Inference: What follows?

When a person infers, they are: imaging, guessing, predicting, and concluding. Inferences are often confused with facts. Inferences help fill in when facts are missing, or they can help make sense of facts already presented. Inferences should always be checked against the facts for accuracy and to make sure you are not inferring incorrectly. Most problems are solved by, asking questions, gathering facts, and making inferences. “Inferences are essential to mental operations in the search for knowledge.” This statement is very true in my opinion. All the facts are not always presented to the reader or problem solver. They have to be able to infer with skill to put the pieces together and see the entire picture. Generalizations are laws in science that are based on observations that deal with recurrence, order, and relationships. Experience is necessary in information gathering to make accurate generalizations. A topic sentence is a writer’s generalized statement. It usually opens up a paragraph. Facts and inferences follow in order to support their main idea. Knowledge is found when inferences are used with skill. When inferences are used carelessly and without awareness it could lead to confusion and miss leading information.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Mind map for chapter 2/ Word Precision

TFY/chapter 2 exercise questions

Thinking For Yourself/chapter two Word Precision exercises

Discovery exercise, page 46:

1.) Dictionaries are like phone books; basically, they all offer the same information.

My answer: False, because not all dictionaries are the same, some are basic some are detailed and offer more information than just the definition.

2.) If a dictionary is named Webster’s, that means it is one of the best.

My answer: False, although some people might consider it one of the best, I think there are many others that are really good. The only way to tell is to open one and study it. See how much information you get from it and compare it to others.

3.) Experts who decide how we should speak English write dictionaries.

My answer: False, the purpose of a dictionary is for reference, definitions, and expanding your vocabulary.

4.) Small, pocket dictionaries are the best kind to use for in-depth word study because they eliminate unnecessary, confusing information, and making understanding easier.

My answer: False, pocket dictionaries seem to be more basic in my opinion.

5.) Because a dictionary can confuse us with so many definitions for any single word, it is better to try to figure out a word’s meaning from its context or ask someone else.

My answer: false because although context clues are helpful you should always have a dictionary on hand to double check.
6.) Dictionaries are like cookbooks; a family needs to buy one only once a life time.

My answer: False, although you don’t need to buy one often I think maybe buying one every ten years would be a good idea, because there are always new words being added into the English language.

7.) Dictionaries give us information about spelling and definitions, but that is about all they offer.

My answer: False, dictionaries offer more than spelling and definitions such as etymology and pronunciations.

8.) An online dictionary is just as good for understanding and using a new word as a printed dictionary.

My Answer: True because I’ve used online dictionaries before and they worked just fine for me.

TFY/chapter 2 summary-Word Precision

Muzlifa Amani
English 75, TFY

Thinking for yourself/Chapter two summary-Word Precision

In chapter two titled Word Precision, the author discusses: the importance of a dictionary, clear word definitions, different kinds of word definitions, word boundaries, defining key ideas, word concepts, and critical reading. The author states “clear thinking depends on a clear understanding of the words we use. Word confusion leads to less consciousness, or disequilibrium, which can only be restored through word clarification.” I agree with this statement completely. Whenever I’m reading and I come across an unfamiliar word, I feel like I have to look up the word right there and then. If I don’t then it feels like I didn’t understand the writing in its entirety. Dictionaries and thesauruses are very important and should be used often and with skill in our efforts for finding the right words. Dictionary definitions are agreements society has made in regards to meanings of words. When defining a word, you set the boundaries for that word. Word boundaries show specific and general characteristics of the word, and how they are similar or different from one another. There are also scientific definitions. They are usually fixed definitions because they are technical and specific. Stipulative definitions are based on group or individual agreements. People sometimes take known concepts and make their own personal definitions for them. Connotations are the emotional weight of words. A concept is defined as “A word that organizes and abstracts a body of related experience; a general idea, a thing conceived.” The author notes to truly understand a word or concept then we should first know the word’s etymology, or the history of the word, and its origins. When defining a key idea, you are beginning with a clear definition of the term or word. Defining the term affects what is left out or ignored as well as what you include within the boundaries of the definition. Critical reading is the act of reading accurately, neutrally, not misunderstanding, and not substituting. By learning new words, understanding their definitions, and boundaries, knowing the words etymology, and reading critically, then we only heighten our ability to think clearly, write better, and communicate effectively.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Journal # 1 for Eng/75

It took me a while to get the hang of the mind mapping, but I think I have most of it down. I completed the assignments for this week for one of the books, now I have to get started on the other book. I think for the other book I will read tonight and blog and email everything tomorrow. I think I've done enough for today.

Mind map on CRCB CH. 2 vocabulary

CRCB- chapter 2 review questions

Chapter-2 exercises

Exercise 2A Context clues

2.)She was so overcome with joy by the birth of her baby that she was able to say nothing other than that the whole experience was simply ineffable.

a.) unhappy
b.) fair
c.) incapable of being expressed in words
d.) quickly forgotten

The answer is: c

3.)Most of us eventually reach our goals, but life’s path to success is often a circuitous one.

a.) straight and certain
b.) jovial
c.) marked by roundabout or indirect procedures
d.) relating to a group

The answer is: c

4.) The preacher took a pedagogic approach with the sermon, hoping that those attending would learn something meaningful from it.

a.) instructional
b.) incomplete
c.) something that breaks the ice
d.) to brighten or freshen up

The answer is: A
5.) Although teaching is not a lucrative profession, I know that I wouldn’t want to
do anything else. Helping others learn is far more important to me than money

a.) very rewarding
b.) highly sensitive
c.) well paying
d.) highly exciting

The answer is: C

6.)Buying the lottery ticket is a very capricious way to plan for your future. The chances of winning are 1 in 10,000,000.

a.) lazy
b.) inventive
c.) unhappy
d.) unpredictable

The answer is: D

Exercise 2B- context clues in text books

1.) Alcoholism exacts a horrible toll on the drinker and on the drinker’s family, But the damage doesn’t stop there. Drunk driving, work place losses, and overburdened health care systems are only some of the larger-scale loss issues related to alcohol abuse. The search for effective methods of invention has never been more intense.
Definition: strictly correct or precise

a.) diminishes
b.) forces
c.) feels
d.) sizes

I think the answer is: B

2.)The natural circadian rhythm of most animals, including humans, is 25 to 26 hours, but our internal clock easily adapt to the 24-hour rhythms (light, sounds, warmth) of the turning earth. When we are Isolated from the environmental cues, our sleep/wake cycles continue to be rather constant but slightly longer than 24 hours.

Definition: the body’s cycle related to the earth’s daily rotation.

a.) 24 hour cycle
b.) daily behavioral cycle
c.) seasonal cycle
d.) insect like

I think the answer is: A

3.)When the commissioner of Indian Affairs took office in 1933, he vowed to defend Indian rights. The conciliatory attitudes of the commissioner and Indian Office, regarding Indian rights, conformed with legal precedents established by the state and federal courts.

Definition: friendly to work together

a.) nervous and uncertain
b.) agreeable, accommodating
c.) unnecessary
d.) disagreeable

I think the answer is: A

4.) Desynchronized:

I think the definition is: not in sync or not working together.

5.) Mitigate:

I think the definition is: to become less harsh or severe.

Exercise 2J- define the following words

2.) Autonomous- self-government, independent
3.) Emit- send out or discharge
4.) Fidelity- faithfulness
5.) Convey- carry, transmit
6.) Equivocal- purposely ambiguous, doubtful
7.) Posthumous- after one’s death
8.) Carnal- bodily, sensual
9.) Misogynist- one who hates women
10.) Synchronized- move or occur at the same tome or rate

CRCB- chapter 2 summary

Chapter 2 summary-Developing your Vocabulary

In this chapter the author gives several reasons why vocabulary and developing vocabulary are both important. The author believes that by increasing your vocabulary then you will increase your ability to think critically. For example, when reading if you come across words you haven’t seen before or don’t understand the meaning of, you will have difficulty understanding the text. However, the author explains there are ways to overcome challenges such as this. A dictionary is a great tool in developing vocabulary. There are two other important strategies that will assist you with figuring out the meanings of unfamiliar words. Context clues is the process of when you use the familiar words in a sentence and to try relate them to the unfamiliar word in hopes of understanding the definition of the word. There are several types of context clues authors use to convey their message such as: Definitions, examples, punctuation, personal experience, opinion and knowledge. Word part analysis is another strategy. That is when you break words up into smaller parts such as: roots, prefixes, and suffixes. The most basic part of a word is its root. When you attached a prefix to the front of a word it changes the meaning of the word. Suffixes are attached to the end of words. They usually don’t change the meanings of the words, but they can change the word to the past, present, or future tense. They can also change the way a word can be used. There are also useful strategies to help retain new vocabulary. Word maps are pictures that illustrate the various steps you should take in order to learn a new word. Creating a word map consists of six different steps: 1.) draw a circle and write a new vocabulary word in the center, 2.) write down the sentence in which you found the word in, 3.) predict what you think the word means, 4.) look the word up in the dictionary, 5.) create your own sentence using the vocabulary word, and finally 6.) Identify the new vocabulary word’s part of speech, circle it and connect it to the new word. The card review system (CRS) is also useful for comprehending general and specialized vocabulary. Basically the system consists of writing new words on one side of an index card and on the back side writing the definitions of the words. Another important aspect of vocabulary building is recognizing the difference between a word’s denotation and connotation. A denotation is the dictionary definition of a word, and a connotation is the dictionary definition plus any ideas suggested by or associated with the word. Other differences between the two words are that the denotation of a word is just the dictionary’s definition, narrow, cut and dry. On the other hand the connotation of a word carries emotional weight and gives the word emotional depth. Increasing your vocabulary will allow you to understand text book information better. It will increase your ability to write and speak well. Having a well rounded vocabulary will let you communicate more effectively and think to critically.

Mind map on where do you stand?

Where do you stand? assignment

Where Do You Stand?

Where do you stand with regard to critical thinking?

I believe critical thinking is an important aspect of thought and knowledge that everyone should practice. However, I believe it takes time and effort to develop into an honest critical thinker.

FEET: What do I stand for as a foundation of critical thinking?

I believe the foundation of critical thinking is having an open mind and not rejecting anything immediately.

STOMACH: What upsets me about critical thinking?

I get upset about critical thinking when people are sometimes too critical. It seems like they want to find something wrong with everything .

HEART: What do I love about critical thinking?

I love the fact that I can look at a topic and look at it from all angles and come to my own opinion and conclusion about it. That is the beauty of critical thinking. It allows you to think for yourself and to think freely.

HANDS: What do I feel about critical thinking?

I feel it is a necessary component in both your personal and professional life. Without it , one would never be able to have good judgment.

EARS: What do I hear about critical thinking?

I watch a lot of news and read much about current events so I am constantly exposed to critical thinking in politics and world affairs. I hear that some people claim to be looking at an issue from all sides but in reality they aren’t thinking critically at all but propagating their own spin on it.

EYES: What do I see about critical thinking?

I see that not all people in this world are allowed to think critically and that in a lot of places it is discouraged and any kind of dissent can be punishable very harshly.

Mind map on mind mapping